The www site. is published Mr. and Mrs. Doto 172 F path of the Iscles 84460 Cheval Blanc


Entrepreneur, exempt from registration in the commercial register in accordance with article L123-1-1 of the commercial code.


Under paragraph § 19 of the small business Act, we do not charge and do not display the VAT.

DisneyShop Collection is a site unofficial sales of Disney products. DisneyShop Collection is in no way affiliated with the Walt Disney Company company or one of its subsidiaries. All products on this site are products of occasions having already served or from personal collections purchased from private individuals. 


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 Concept and production:


This website has been successfully PrestaShop.




The pictures of the products are made by Mr. and Mrs. Doto (DisneyShop Collection)


Respect for privacy


According to articles 38 and 40 of the data protection act, you have a right of access, modification and deletion of data concerning you.

Mail to report inappropriate or illegal content contact: 

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